How much weight can you lose with one session of coolsculpting?

However, most customers will be able to lose at least two to five pounds of body fat when using the treatment. After several months, when the fat cells freeze. After several months, when the body naturally eliminates frozen fat cells, the reduced fat will be reflected on the scale and you will notice a moderate change in your body weight. With each treatment session, you can expect to lose 20 to 80% of the fat cells that currently exist in a given treatment region. If 50% of your breast fat cells are removed and then you go to a second treatment session and you lose 50% of the existing fat cells in your chest again, you will experience a total loss of 75% of your breast fat cells.

CoolSculpting Knoxville is the most popular non-invasive fat removal method and may one day surpass liposuction as the gold standard in fat removal. Depending on the size of the area being treated, a single session can eliminate between 20 and 80% of the fat cells in the target region. The fat removal results of this treatment are permanent and your contours will continue to improve as long as you can maintain your weight. CoolSculpting is a fat reduction procedure, meaning it actually reduces the number of fat cells in the body, not the size.

Using our CoolSculpting fat freezing procedure, you'll see a reduction in fat cells in the specific areas you want to treat by 20 to 25%. If you're trying to remove fat from your midback, flanks, hips, thighs, and armpits, you may be treated for almost two hours. We'll evaluate your current fat deposits and review your aesthetic goals to determine how many treatment sessions you're likely to need to achieve your desired results. Although the fat cells in the target area freeze to the point of death during the treatment session, they are not sucked out.

Like the number of treatment sessions you'll need, the length of each treatment session depends primarily on the number of areas you're treating, their size, and the amount of fat you're trying to reduce in each area. It also cuts inches off the areas selected for treatment and results in a small weight loss. Just keep in mind that the best candidate for this treatment should not be more than 10 pounds from their ideal weight. Even if your goal is to maintain your existing muscle mass, weight lifting and other forms of resistance training are incredibly beneficial to your health.

If your fat cells in your thighs were destroyed, you are likely to accumulate excess energy in the fat cells that remain in your thighs if you gain weight after treatment. Conversely, you may need two or three treatment sessions to achieve ideal results if you're trying to treat your upper, middle, and lower back. You may still be considered a good candidate for this treatment if you are still close to your ideal weight. So, if you only have one treatment session, you should expect to lose less than a pound per month for about three months.

In other words, as long as you can maintain a healthy body weight and avoid significant weight gain in the future, you can achieve permanent results with this treatment. Depending on the number of fat cells destroyed, you won't see the final results until two or three months after the treatment session. The amount of weight you would have to gain before you notice an increase in fat stores depends on where the fat is stored.

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