So, while not completely effective 100 percent of the time, CoolSculpting is relatively effective for the general population. So yes, in my experience, CoolSculpting works, but only if you're very strict with your diet and exercise regime, which I was, for the most part. And remember, just a few weeks of rest completely failed the project's six-unit package. According to the CoolSculpting website, the following are the possible side effects that may occur during or after the procedure.
According to the CoolSculpting website, there are some potential short-term side effects that can occur on or around the part of the body undergoing the procedure. Check with your healthcare provider to make sure you're a good candidate for CoolSculpting and that you don't have any pre-existing skin conditions or sensitivities before scheduling the procedure. Plus, a three-month family vacation (when you get the best results with CoolSculpting) made my abs much less like those of a washing board. A study published in the Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons on the safety and efficacy of CoolSculpting found that the procedure is a safe and effective alternative to liposuction.
Despite having a slightly flatter stomach, I would tell you not to spend thousands of dollars on CoolSculpting and to spend more time on your abdominal routines (like this 4-week plan for flat abs). While CoolSculpting is approved by the FDA to reduce small areas of body fat in many people, there are some people who shouldn't try CoolSculpting. In very rare cases, the CoolSculpting method can cause an increase in the volume of fat cells in the treated parts of the body (known as paradoxical hyperplasia) a few months after the procedure. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive fat reduction procedure that uses extremely cold temperatures to destroy fat cells.
CoolSculpting is most effective with an experienced doctor, proper planning, and several sessions to maximize results and reduce the risk of side effects. According to safety information published by CoolSculpting, the following side effects may occur infrequently (may occur between 1 and 10 in 10,000 patients) or very rare (less than 1 in 10,000 patients). Also known generically as cryolipolysis, CoolSculpting, performed by doctors and beauticians, is a non-surgical procedure to remove fat. You might think that CoolSculpting (the non-invasive procedure that freezes fat cells and has a short recovery time) sounds too good to be true.